Today’s a Special Day! Don’t Miss the Excitement

Note: To see the images contained in this post, CLICK HERE to read the post online. My husband never worries about me shopping in a clothing store, but turn me loose in a bookstore—whooeeeee! Be afraid! My mantra isn’t original, but it’s accurate: “So many books, so...

How to Have a Perfect Christmas

How to Have a Perfect Christmas

I’ve washed dishes in the bathtub twice. Once was on Christmas Eve.  Out of town family was on their way, and my eight-foot counter was covered with mixing bowls, baking pans, and kitchen utensils. I’d cooked all day, and now it was time to clean up. ...

One Powerful Habit to (almost) Divorce-proof Your Marriage

Good morning, Refresh readers! My husband, David, and I had the pleasure of talking with Amy Morgan, feature writer for an amazing ministry called The Marriage Initiative. It’s a collection of resources to strengthen and encourage marriages. Amy learned about our Our...