Invite Lori to Speak at Your Event
Lori would love to speak at your Ladies’ Ministry Event, Writers’ Conference, Corporate Event, Luncheon, Bible Study Group, Homeschool Support Group, or Women’s Retreat.
Contributing Writer for, Revive Our Hearts, Focus on the Family, Guideposts, and God Hears Her (Our Daily Bread).
Contact her at or call (803)237-3636.
For samples of Lori’s presentations, CLICK HERE to visit Lori’s Press Page.

What Event Leaders Are Saying
Lori Hatcher delivered an engaging afternoon session to our work group. She made us laugh with real life experiences, inspired us with knowledge for self-improvement, and challenged us to commit to take steps for a better tomorrow. She engaged the audience from the start, and provided hands-on activities as well as resources to use and reinforce the message. The variety of facts with fun kept the audience involved. Lori exceeded our expectations and received a unanimous high rating from the audience. I highly recommend Lori Hatcher. She’s professional , courteous, and genuine.
~Laura W. Watts, CFO, South Carolina Department of Revenue
Lori Hatcher is a conference director’s dream faculty member. Her programs are well-developed and timely, and she delivers her material with enthusiasm and confidence. Her engaging attitude and delightful personality make her a conference favorite.”
~Vonda Skelton, Founder, Christian Communicators Conference
“Sweet, gentle spirit; well prepared and engaging; friendly and down to earth; good teaching and delivery.”
~Phyllis Elkins, Conference Director, Women to Women Ministries
“What Lori shared was totally relevant to our group, sensitive to the needs and challenges we may have, biblically-based and humorous to boot! She was humorous, down-to-earth, and easy to follow and understand.”
~ Kristi Brooks, Christian Homeschoolers of Easley

5 Life-Changing Words Every Christian Should Know
God filled the Bible with words—words that will strengthen our hearts, enlighten our minds, and transform our souls. Proverbs 18:4 says, “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.” This is true ten times over when we consider God’s Word.
In this story-driven, Scripture-packed presentation, Lori shares five life-giving words from the Bible and walks us through what it looks like to live in light of them.

Share the Hope -4 Unshakeable Reasons Not to Lose Heart
What is hope?
For much of the world, hope is nothing more than a wish. “I hope I get that promotion,” or “I hope things will get better.” It has no foundation or object. When the winds of circumstance change, hope goes with it.
For believers, hope is so much more. It’s inexorably linked to our trust in God.
In this presentation, Lori’s shares four unshakeable reasons to have hope based on her latest book, Refresh Your Hope, 60 Reasons to Trust God with All Your Heart.
The Power of Gratitude
Presented to the S.C. Department of Revenue

A Hat for All Seasons – Serving God in Every Stage of Life
Stand Alone Presentation or Part 1 of 3
Today’s women wear many hats: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Daughter, Teacher, Caregiver, and Friend, just to name a few. During this challenging and hopeful session, we’ll look at ways to glorify God no matter what hat we’re wearing and in whatever life season we find ourselves.
This fun presentation, complete with a hat display that includes a hat for every stage of life, includes practical, biblical suggestions to embrace every stage of life with joy. Suitable for women of all ages, from single to senior, it’s an encouraging and enlightening message.

Stepping Out, How Our Footwear Impacts Our Faith
Stand Alone Presentation or Part 1 of 3
Shoes. We love them! From the sassy sling backs to the sleek stiletto, there’s a pair for every occasion. Some see shoes as an accessory, others a necessity, but did you know that shoes can have spiritual connotations, too?
In this fun, interactive presentation, Lori invites us to take a thoughtful look at the spiritual shoes we wear every day. We’ll talk about styles that enhance our Christian walk, those that can hinder it, and the one pair of shoes we can’t live without.
To download a printable flyer for Stepping Out – How Our Footwear Impacts Our Faith, click here.

Presentation Themes
Stand Alone or Weekend/One Day Retreats
A Wardrobe for All Seasons, Dressing for Spiritual Success – This three-session seminar, suitable for a one-day retreat or weekend, combines “Stepping Out, How Our Footwear Impacts Our Faith,” “Clean Out that Closet,” and “A Hat for All Seasons” (See descriptions below). Each session includes Points to Ponder and application activities.
Praying with Power is a dynamic, interactive seminar that addresses: *Myths about Prayer *What the Bible Says about Prayer *What Heroes of the Faith Say about Prayer *Why Pray? *What Can God Do Through Prayer? *How to Pray with Power *How to Pray the “Write” Way *How Prayer Can Change Your Life.
3 Keys to a Spirit-Filled Christmas (Single session) We desire a spirit-filled Christmas, but sometimes the most beautiful parts of the season get crowded out. In 3 Keys to a Spirit-filled Christmas, Lori shares how to unlock your celebration, your treasure, and your heart to welcome Christ into your holiday season. Suitable for a Women’s Tea, Ladies’ Night Out, or Homeschool Mom’s meeting.
One Session Topics
Overloaded? Four Steps to Conquer the Chaos that Overwhelms Us (45 min. – 1 hour)
Today’s women are running too fast, spread too thin, and trying to be all things to all people. We’re overloaded. This session will teach you how to assess your commitments, define your purpose, redistribute your responsibilities, and fully embrace God’s plan and purpose for your life.
Worry Wart or Warrior Woman? How the Discipline of Prayer Can Help You Survive the Worst Day of Your Life (45 min. – 1 hour)
Worry, it seems, is a woman’s middle name. Many of us are professional worriers—we worry about our families, our jobs, our communities, our nation, and our world. We worry about the past, the present, and the future. This session will demonstrate how prayer is a powerful alternative to worry. You’ll learn a simple approach to prayer that will change your life and the lives of those around you.