Strengthen Your Prayers with These 10 Powerful Truths

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” My introduction to prayer came at the age of seven. I was spending the weekend with my grandmother and had slept beside her, snuggled deep into the covers. As the early morning light filtered through the curtains...

Is it Okay to Be Honest with God?

Do you ever wonder how honest you can be with God in prayer?  On the surface, this question probably seems silly. After all, God knows everything. How could we hide anything from the God who knows our hearts and can read our minds? Yet sometimes, we hold back in...
How to Pray the Right Way

How to Pray the Right Way

Do you feel well equipped for the task of regular, fervent, effectual prayer? If a doctor evaluated your prayer life, would he find it had a pulse? Do you struggle to stay focused and attentive to the Lord during extended times of prayer? It’s time to learn to storm...
Don’t Miss the Habit that Will Change Your Life

Don’t Miss the Habit that Will Change Your Life

“I bought a Bible yesterday,” Sarah said, “and I’m going to start reading it. I hope to find some answers.”  Sarah and I talked a bit about how to begin. “The Bible isn’t like most books,” I said, “where you start at the beginning and read straight through,...