by LoriAHatcher | Jun 14, 2022 | Christian Living, Family, Prayer
Oh, how we love to complain. It’s our default setting whenever something doesn’t go our way. And we’re not alone. I’ve been reading through the book of Exodus in my quest to read the Bible in a year. Almost without fail, every time the children of...
by LoriAHatcher | Jun 7, 2022 | Blog, Christian Living, Family, Prayer
I’m not brave. You won’t catch me parasailing off the back of a cruise ship, rappelling down a mountain, or jumping out of an airplane. When my girls were little, I wouldn’t even ride the kiddie roller coaster with them at the fair. “If you want to ride THAT ride,” I...
by LoriAHatcher | May 31, 2022 | Blog, Christian Living, Family, Prayer
We live in a noisy world. Devices ding, ping, jangle, and whistle. Media delivers a non-stop monologue. And then there are those blessed people whom God has placed in our lives—those who call us Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, Grandma, Grandpa, Co-worker, Boss, Friend,...
by LoriAHatcher | May 24, 2022 | Blog, Christian Living, Family
I was reminded recently how profoundly our words (and our attitudes) can impact someone’s life. “Isn’t the cool weather lovely this morning?” I asked my patient as I seated her in the dental chair. “Yeah, but before you know it it’ll be cold,” she said, “and...
by LoriAHatcher | May 17, 2022 | Blog, Christian Living, Family, Prayer
“I believe with all my heart God is going to heal him.” “If I truly believe God is going to ___________ (deliver me from my financial troubles, give me a new car, send me a husband, release me from the job I hate), then he will. But I have to reeeeealy believe...
by LoriAHatcher | May 10, 2022 | Blog, Christian Living, Family
How can I know God loves me? When it comes to children and spiritual truth, I’m never sure who is the teacher and who is the student. Such was the case during a conversation I had with my oldest granddaughter, Lauren, when she was around four years old. ...
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