We Can Trust God in the Faith Dance

We Can Trust God in the Faith Dance

The ballerina twirled, skipped, and leapt across the darkened stage, captivating the audience who sat mesmerized before her. Music swelled as she paused, inhaling deeply. On cue, she launched herself across the stage toward her waiting partner. Strong hands grasped...
A Little Lesson in Big Generosity

A Little Lesson in Big Generosity

When was the last time something moved you to tears—in a good way? Tender tears filled my eyes, of all times, at a family Easter gathering. It had been a glorious day. Rainy skies had given way to sunshine just in time to welcome churchgoers. Our sanctuary rang with...
Please Stop Bashing the Church

Please Stop Bashing the Church

Almost every day I see a social media post about what’s wrong with the church. College students are leaving by the thousands. Young adults say the church has damaged them forever. People are hurt, they’re never coming back, and they want everyone within their...
In Cooking and in Life, Trust the Baker

In Cooking and in Life, Trust the Baker

I should have listened to my friend Karen. “Sprinkle the nuts in the bottom of the pan, then arrange 15 frozen bread balls on top.”  I was listening, really I was, but when I stood in the kitchen looking into the Bundt pan, fifteen just didn’t look right....