Have You Forgotten to Have Fun?

Have You Forgotten to Have Fun?

For some mysterious, fun-killing reason, several of the links in this post didn’t work yesterday. HOpefully the problem is corrected. Let the fun begin! “Many of us have forgotten to have fun.”  These words from author and (my) agent Bob...
How to Help When Your Friend Is Hurting

How to Help When Your Friend Is Hurting

Your friend is in trouble.  Big trouble. I’m not talking thrown-in-jail kind of trouble, although that certainly could be the case. I’m talking about life circumstance trouble. Maybe she’s struggling through cancer treatment, trying to stay strong in a fractured...
7 Tips to Help You Wait in Faith

7 Tips to Help You Wait in Faith

Time moves slowly than when you’re waiting. Most days, time speeds by. I blink and it’s Christmas again. I open my eyes to a new day and discover that my daughters are a year older (and so am I). I pay my taxes and find that they’re due again. Like an Olympic luge...
We Can Trust God in the Faith Dance

We Can Trust God in the Faith Dance

The ballerina twirled, skipped, and leapt across the darkened stage, captivating the audience who sat mesmerized before her. Music swelled as she paused, inhaling deeply. On cue, she launched herself across the stage toward her waiting partner. Strong hands grasped...