Do You Ever Worry about Failing God?

Do You Ever Worry about Failing God?

Do you ever fear you might fail God? That you might behave so faithlessly that you bring shame to yourself, your family, and your ministry?  Consider one of the most well-known leaders of the Christian (and Jewish) faith – Aaron the high priest.  The owner...
When Life Hammers into Your Quiet

When Life Hammers into Your Quiet

I resent their intrusion.  I can’t see the roofers, but I can hear them. Their noises intrude on my early-morning quiet. Eager to get started before the merciless sun fries them like eggs in a cast iron skillet, they scurry around on the ageing black roof just...
The Kind of Christian Life I Want

The Kind of Christian Life I Want

Don’t you wish following Christ meant your life was always easy, healthy, and happy?  If our life was prosperous and successful, wouldn’t this make people want to follow Jesus? Wouldn’t the beacon of our shining life pierce the darkness of this squalid, suffering...