It’s undeniable—that gentle (or not-so-gentle) tug on your heart. You think God might be calling you to do something, but you’re not sure. How can you be certain it’s God calling you and not one of your own crazy ideas? In my last post, I shared four signs God is calling you, based on Moses experience in Exodus 2-3. If you missed that post, click HERE.
Today, I’d like to share three more signs God is calling you.
5. God will provide what you need.
Moses was concerned that Pharaoh and the Israelites wouldn’t believe God had sent him. In response to his concern, God gave him what he needed to accomplish his mission—his rod—and instructions in how to use it.
One year I sensed God was calling me to attend a writers conference. It was expensive and would involve rescheduling two days of dental patients and losing two days of income.
Shortly after I began to pray about it, my coworker asked me if I could work two extra days for her. Guess when? The week before the writers conference.

“And if you’d like me to work for you so you can have a few days off, I’d be glad to,” she said. Her offer enabled me to take the next week off without having to reschedule any of my patients.
Well Lord, you’ve removed two of three obstacles preventing me from attending the conference. The only problem that remains is the $800 conference fee.
Shortly after I prayed, I received an unexpected check—for $800. God had shown me clearly that I was to attend the writers conference.
6. God will bring others along to help you.
God called Moses to a monumental task—to face the leader of one of the most powerful nations on earth and demand the release of more than a million people. I’m not surprised that he doubted his ability. Even after God gave him a healthy pep talk, Moses continued to protest. God graciously dealt with his lack of faith by sending his brother Aaron to help him.
“I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do,” God said (Ex. 4:15).
It’s noteworthy that after the first encounter with Pharaoh, Moses no longer needed to hide behind his older brother. He became a bold, powerful orator who faithfully championed the cause of his fellow Israelites.

Our family mission trip is a perfect example of how God brought others alongside us to make up for what we were lacking.
My husband and I felt comfortable teaching and leading Bible studies, but when the missionaries with whom we’d be ministering asked if our team could make some home repairs, we knew we were out of our league. Our coworker, Mike, however, was especially handy with tools. His wife, Mandy, has the gift of organization, and together we were able to preach, teach, and give our missionary friends’ kitchen a much-needed face lift.
7. God will reassure you about (but not remove) your inadequacies.
Moses was scared to death. He felt woefully unprepared for the monumental task God was calling him to. He was a poor speaker, and he lacked self-confidence. God, however, made it perfectly clear that his power would be behind Moses’ calling.
“Who gave man his mouth?” God said. “Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say” (Ex. 4:11-12).
When God calls us to do something for him, he seldom waits until we’re polished and perfect. If he did, we’d be tempted to trust in our own abilities instead of seeking his power and enabling. The apostle Paul explained it this way,
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”
2 Corinthians 4:7
On our mission trip, we were asked to counsel couples struggling with marital challenges. My husband and I felt woefully inadequate, but we stepped out in faith, asking God to speak through us. During one of our sessions, a man and his wife committed their lives to Christ. Today, seven years later, they are still together and serving God in their local church. We are amazed at how God didn’t remove our inadequacies, he worked in spite of them.
I hope this list of ways God confirms his calling will help you the next time you sense him speaking to you. It isn’t all-inclusive, nor are you likely to experience all seven. It does, however, attempt to explain the gracious way God reveals his will and then confirms it.
If you sense God calling you to do something, I encourage you to claim the promise of Jeremiah 29:13:
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Prayer: Father, I don’t know what your will for me is, but I believe you will make it clear. Help me step out in faith and obedience, knowing that you will walk with me every step of the way. Use me for your glory, Amen.
Now it’s your turn. How have you seen God confirm what you suspected he was calling you to do? Leave a comment below and join the conversation.
A Word for Your Day — 66 Devotions to Refresh Your Mind

Allow God’s Word to change your life, one word at a time! Lori Hatcher’s newest book, a 66-day devotional highlights one relevant, sometimes unexpected, word from each book of the Bible. Lori, the best-selling author of Refresh Your Faith and Refresh Your Prayers, shares simple—but never simplistic—truths. She continues to remind us that every part of Scripture is active, alive, and applicable.
From beginning in Genesis to new in Revelation, ponder each significant word as you move through your day and allow God to transform your heart and mind.
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