Greetings, friends!
As faithful readers of Refresh, you will always get the inside news on latest books and exciting happenings first, and boy, do I have some exciting news for you (and an invitation).
Would you like to:
- Shift your gaze from your problems to God’s presence and power
- Feel renewed joy, increased energy, and rekindled gratitude
- Learn to lean on God in the messy and the mundane
I would too! This is why I wrote my newest book, Think on These Things, 60 Thoughtful Devotions for Renewed Peace. I found myself struggling with fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. Yet I knew God’s people should be the most hopeful and hope-filled people of all. We should be characterized by peace, not anxiety.
When I read Philippians 4:8, I knew I’d found God’s prescription for lasting peace—we are to think on those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
So I went on a quest to find the loveliest, purest, most excellent and admirable examples from real life to think on. Then I captured them in short devotions you can read early in the morning, late at night, or whenever you have two minutes to “think on these things.”
Think on These Things will release in early January (maybe before), and is available on Amazon for preorder now.
I’m Seeking Two Kinds of Helpers
As I prepare to launch this book, I’m looking for two types of helpers.
First, readers who’d be willing to purchase an advance copy for yourself (and maybe one for a friend who could use a healthy dose of peace). This book would be a great new devotional to start the new year with. (This link will take you to the Amazon page that will tell you all about it.)
Second, readers who have a growing and active social media presence, blog, podcast, or radio/tv show. Or maybe you have other ways to help me share this book. Would you join my launch team to help me get the word out? I’d be so grateful for your help. Please reply to this email and tell me how you can help. I pinky promise not to overwork you.
A Sneak Preview for You
Would you like to be the first to read my invitation to lasting peace and joy (and the opening chapter of my book)? Here you go. I’d love to hear what you think. Drop a comment below or reply to this email. Thanks for sharing my excitement!
An Invitation to “Think on These Things”
When you hear the word peace, what comes to mind? Busy toddlers napping, bringing silence to an otherwise noisy home? Or an absence of relational conflict—in your marriage, family, or church? Some might picture peace as the end of a cultural or global war.
Reverend Billy Graham noted, “The word peace is used in the Bible in three main ways. First, there is spiritual peace—peace between God and man. Second, there is psychological peace—peace within. Third, there is relational peace—peace among mankind.”[1]
Every believer has experienced the first kind of peace—spiritual peace—made possible because of Christ’s death on the cross. If we’ve confessed our sin to God and surrendered our lives to His control, we stand before Him forgiven and free.
We won’t fully experience the third type of peace—relational peace—peace among humanity, until Christ, the Prince of Peace, ushers in His eternal kingdom.
But what about the second type of peace—psychological peace? Do you long for it? Wouldn’t you love to experience deep, abiding soul rest? Don’t you wish you could sleep with nothing troubling your mind? Or laugh from the depths of your soul, unhindered by fear or pain? Do you envy the unbridled joy of a child and long for those carefree days?
Must we wait until Jesus returns and banishes sin and sorrow from our world forever before we experience this kind of soul-satisfying peace?
The Bible tells us we don’t have to wait until heaven. We can experience peace right now. Philippians 4:8–9 tells us how: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. . . . And the God of peace will be with you.”
Romans 12:2 calls this being “transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Ephesians 4:23 describes it as being “made new in the attitude of your minds.”
Scripture assures us that peace is possible when we seize the reins of our mind and point it where we want our thoughts to go. We can “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
If you long to experience the peace that will keep your heart joy-filled and secure, I invite you to join me on a sixty-day journey to “think on these things.”
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you.
Isaiah 26:3 esv
[1] “Answers,” Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, last modified May 6, 2021,
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