by LoriAHatcher | Jul 10, 2023 | Christian Living, Prayer, Uncategorized
If you asked me to name something I’m really good at, you know what I’d say? Worrying. I’m really good at worrying. I mean, really, really good. I can worry while I work, cook, clean, shop, bathe, even sleep. One morning this week I woke up...
by LoriAHatcher | Jul 3, 2023 | Christian Living, Family, Prayer
Time moves slowly than when you’re waiting. Most days, time speeds by. I blink and it’s Christmas again. I open my eyes to a new day and discover that my daughters are a year older (and so am I). I pay my taxes and find that they’re due again. Like an Olympic luge...
by LoriAHatcher | Jun 26, 2023 | Christian Living, Family, Prayer
Are you scorching under one of life’s trials? Is the heat of parenting making you crispy around the edges? Are the scorching rays of cancer, aging, or a myriad of other health concerns searing your skin and sapping your strength? Are you sweating under an unrelenting...
by LoriAHatcher | Mar 27, 2023 | Christian Living, Prayer
The First Question “Do you have a hymnbook?” pastor/teacher Sinclair Ferguson asked this question recently during one of his podcast episodes. Convinced I was going to win points in some mysterious spiritual life exam, I was pleased to answer, “Yes.”...
by LoriAHatcher | Mar 13, 2023 | Christian Living, Prayer
If Time magazine polled its readers, looking for the 950 B.C. Man of the Year, I’m pretty sure King David would have been a shoe in. A military man, he was handsome, clever, and brave. He had political smarts and charisma. He played an instrument...
by LoriAHatcher | Mar 6, 2023 | Christian Living, Prayer
In an attempt to hear God’s voice, the fiasco on the mountain was truly a pathetic scene. The prophets of Baal were desperate to prove the superiority of their false God. They worked themselves into a frenzy. They danced. They sang. They called out. ...
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