“I feel useless.”
I’ve said these words sincerely twice in my life. Once when I was recuperating from major surgery, and the other when I was mothering young children. In both instances my busy life underwent a drastic change, and I was no longer able to “do” as I had always done.
I no longer have young children running around in my house 24/7, but my daughter does. And my neighbor does. And the young women in my circles do.
As I prayed for them today, God reminded me of a devotion that came out of my “useless” years. I share it today in hope that God, not I, will use it to encourage these young women who are shepherding our world’s children.
If you are one of those mighty warriors, I pray you’ll feel God’s smile. If you’re not in this season of life right now, would you take time to pray for someone you know who is? Then forward this devotion on to them so they’ll be encouraged, too.
Pleasing the Warrior King
The early chapters of the book of Isaiah describe a scene that would make the most epic 3-D film look like a kindergartener’s cartoon. Isaiah describes smoke, thunderous noise, and angelic multitudes crying out in praise before almighty God in His temple. A glimpse of God in His throne room fills Isaiah with awe and fear. “Woe to me!” he cries. “I am ruined!” (Isaiah 6:5).
Other Scriptures reinforce this image of God, picturing Him as the conquering King, righteous Judge, mighty Warrior, and powerful Sovereign. They describe how the oceans churn or quiet at God’s command. One word from God speaks the world into existence. Another has the power to send it up in smoke. With a flick of His mighty arm, thunderbolts fly from heaven. An angry glance from His all-seeing eyes causes the earth to swallow those who disobey His commands.
“See,” Isaiah 40:10 reads, “the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm.”
No doubt about it, God is strong. And God is active.
I’ve always admired these attributes of God (even though I find them more than slightly terrifying), because I like strength and activity. I’m a doer, not a sitter. These character traits fit well with my assumption that God expects me to be like Him and work hard on His behalf.
But then I had children.
And my busy, do-lots-of-stuff-for-God life came to a screeching halt. Forget teaching a class, working on the bus ministry, or helping with every function the church sponsored. I could barely get myself and my baby dressed and out the door to attend worship on Sundays. Then my baby had colic (to which I wouldn’t subject any nursery worker in the world). After colic, she had separation anxiety. She was three years old before she’d go into a toddler class so I could attend adult Sunday School again. Six months later, her sister was born, and I was again barely making it to church on Sundays.
My days of do-it-all ministry had come to an end. As far as the kingdom was concerned, I was useless. A taker instead of a giver. A dead weight on the gospel ship. My heart sank to think how disappointed God must be with me.
Then I read Isaiah 40:11:
“He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”
Suddenly, I understood that the mighty Warrior is also a tender shepherd. The conquering King stoops down to lift the fragile and the frail. The righteous Judge carries His children, not as a burden on His back, but as a treasure near His heart. The powerful Sovereign gently leads those who are emotionally tender and physically sapped. Boy, did that describe me in those early childrearing years.
Through Isaiah’s beautiful picture of God, I learned I didn’t have to be productive for God to love me. I didn’t have to perform to earn His favor. I was free to accept what I saw as my season of “inactivity,” knowing God had not only ordained it, but had a good plan for it. In His tenderness, He would carry me through my season of mothering if I would rest in Him and allow Him to lead me.
Isaiah’s picture of God gently leading those with young gave me permission to be frail and vulnerable, knowing that He wouldn’t drive me with His rod, but lead me with His shepherd’s crook.
My children are grown now, and I’m “busy” for the Lord again. As I look back on those childrearing years, I see that they were not fruitless. Once I realized that different seasons of life bring new and different opportunities to minister, I was free to embrace each season instead of chafe at it. I learned to look for ways to be Jesus’s hands and feet wherever I was, knowing that each day was ripe with potential.
And I never again worried that I wasn’t productive enough to satisfy Him.
Uncommon Thought
We can rest in the fact that the great I Am is not frustrated by our frailties or impatient with our humanity. Instead, He leads us like a shepherd all the way through our earthly journey.
Unusual Faith
Think a moment about your perception of God. Do you see Him as a stern taskmaster, demanding and hard to please? Or do you see Him as a shepherd, gentle and understanding toward your frailties? Do you feel as though you never measure up? That you can’t do enough to please Him, especially if you’re in a season of life that feels unproductive?
Spend time meditating on Isaiah 40:11. Imagine yourself as the lamb the prophet writes about. Picture yourself in the arms of the Savior, carried close to His heart. Ask God to lead you into a greater understanding of His love and care for you. Then follow where He leads you, trusting that He will use you for His glory, no matter your season of life.
For More, Read Isaiah 40:9–13.
*This devotion is an excerpt from Refresh Your Faith, Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible and is used with permission from Our Daily Bread Publishing.
Did you enjoy this devotion? I’d be honored if you’d share it with a young mother who needs encouragement. If you’d like to read more uncommon devotions from every book of the Bible, please check out my book, Refresh Your Faith. (See below for more details.)
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A most wonderful thing about our God is that He gives His tender heart toward us. In the world, I’ve often had to be tough-minded, sharp-witted, and always on “high alert.” With time and lots of loving patience, God is teaching me that inside every warrior is a caring, gentle, loving shepherd who can emerge to care, guide, lead, and direct the sheep entrusted to them, as needed. With God’s love, all is possible. Thank you for this blessed reminder ma’am.
I, too, love God’s multi-faceted nature, J.D. Especially knowing that He’s the essence of perfect love, so we don’t have to question any one of His natures. They’re all good, and they’re all governed by His holiness and grace. Thanks for stopping by today!.
I found your post encouraging, Lori, for any stage of life. By nature, I’m a “doer” who likes to check off the list, but I know God’s love and acceptance do not depend on my behavior. Thank you for reminding me of the Shepherd’s tender love and care.
I agree, Jeannie, we never outgrow the reach of God’s tender care. I’m so glad He carries us ALL close to His heart. Thanks for stopping by today!
Lori, I remember those days of busy motherhood. I’ve gotten a refresher course in that as I now keep my grandchildren several days a week. I think we all have times of being overwhelmed and barely able to keep our heads above water. I find that even in retirement and grandmotherhood, I tend to take on too many tasks and wonder if I am effective in any of them. Your message is so encouraging, a reminder that our “tender shepherd” loves us through the tough times. Thank you.
I agree, Katherine. Everytime I care for my grands (2, 4, 6, 8), I gain new appreciation and tenderness toward my daughter who shoulders this mighty responsibility 24/7. Knowing God’s tender disposition toward her (and us) as she nurtures her little ones gives me such comfort. God bless you as you invest in your own grands. May God richly bless your ministry!