Celebrate with Us!

Something happened in the tenth year of our marriage that changed the course of our relationship.

To celebrate the launch of Moments with God for Couples, 100 Devotions for Drawing Closer to God and Each Other, I’d like to share the story behind the book in my husband, David’s words:

For years we’d wanted to have a devotional time together but couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. In the morning, I (David) left early while Lori stayed in bed to capture those last precious moments of sleep before the kids awakened. Dinner, baths, and bedtimes consumed our evenings. Once the girls were asleep, all we wanted to do was relax. We tried reading in bed before we turned out the lights, but one or both of us would inevitably fall asleep—sometimes in mid-sentence.

One day, eyeing the latest couples’ devotional we’d bought for Christmas, Lori suggested a new approach. “What if I get up with you and fix a light breakfast while you shower. If you eat while I read the daily devotion, you could still leave for work on time.” We decided to give it a try.

 Almost three decades later, we still begin most days with a simple breakfast, a five-minutes-or-less devotional reading, and a quick prayer. The practice has taken commitment on both our parts, but it’s been worth it. When we start our day with Bible-centered reading and prayers, God focuses our minds on Him, knits our hearts together, and prepares us for the day ahead.

 We experience the truth of Jesus’ words, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

Lori and I never imagined we’d be writing a couples’ devotional, yet here we are. Not because we have all the answers, but because, as C.S. Lewis once said, we’re “one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread.”

Our marriage is far from perfect, but, by God’s grace, it has stood the test of time. We’ve survived many of the challenges families face today and have grown in our love for God and each other. We’ve made a lot of mistakes, too. We’ll share some of them on the pages to follow, along with the lessons God taught us through them. That way you can skip the pain and go straight to the blessing.

Our prayer is that as you read each devotion, God will draw you one step closer to Himself and to each other.


David and Lori

Moments with God for Couples

100 Devotions for Growing Closer to God and Each Other

Moment with God for Couples https://amzn.to/3JF0Nnc

Whether you said “I do” four months or forty years ago, the day-to-day disappointments and offenses of any two people doing life together are commonplace. Even when you intend to give each other your best, the joy in your marriage sometimes gets lost amid personality differences , moments of pride, and life circumstances.

In 100 devotions that can be read together or individually, recommit to your spouse with the love and grace that can only come from God. Through relatable stories, relevant Bible passages, and practical applications, you’ll discover new ways to reflect Christ in your marriage every day.

Available at Our Daily Bread, Christianbook.com, and Amazon.