I assumed the crackly voice I heard through the intercom correctly repeated my order. It was simple enough. “One small chocolate Frosty.” And I think the faceless voice instructed me to drive around to the second window.

I must have correctly deciphered speaker-ese, because when the second window opened and a cute girl with spiky hair and a tiny nose ring greeted me with a smile, she announced my total: $2.06.

I handed her a five-dollar bill and waited for change. Instead, she handed me a Frosty and my money back.

“Keep it,” she said. “Merry Christmas.”

Before I could say a word, she’d adjusted her headset and begun punching in the next customer’s order. I blinked my eyes to clear the tears and pulled away.

In the grocery store later that day, I smiled at a woman standing beside me on the bakery aisle. Apparently, we were both deciding between walnuts and pecans.

“I’m so sorry,” she said as she maneuvered her cart out of the way. When she grabbed her bag of pecans (me too), she stepped past me. The back of her shirt said Live Generously.

Our Story

My family and I have been the recipient of more than a few lavish gifts. Someone gave us a piano when my six-year-old wanted to learn to play. Someone else paid for every class my husband needed to complete his degree. When our house was affected by the 1,000-year flood in 2015, a dear friend gifted us with thousands of dollars to make the repairs needed to sell it.

Each gift crumbled me to the ground in worship and thanksgiving. Our Father God saw our need and sent someone to meet it.

He’s still sending someones to meet our needs. Last year He sent an oncological surgeon to heal my loved one of breast cancer. And then He sent a cardiologist to zap her heart back into rhythm. He sent a publishing company to help me share the message God has placed on my heart with as many people as possible.

And He sent a spiky-haired teenager with a tiny nose ring to hand me my favorite treat.

Wonderful gifts don’t have to be extravagant.

Live Generously.

During the month of December, I invite you to join me in the Live Generously challenge. Each day, from now ‘til Christmas, let’s look for an opportunity to give something away.

If you have the means, give generously to your favorite charity (My two favorites are Sister Freda’s Foundation to the sick and impoverished in Kitale, Kenya, and A Moment of Hope, a crisis pregnancy ministry in Columbia, SC.)

But don’t focus on lavish. Every day, look for small ways to give generously.

Live Generously Ideas

  • Give a smile and a greeting to the grumpiest person in the room, office, or elevator.
  • Ask the cashier at the grocery store what his favorite candy is and buy it for him.
  • Drop dollar bills and change into the Salvation Army kettle.
  • Send an I’m praying for you text or message to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. And then pray.
  • Select five items of clothing from your closet and donate them to a charity thrift store or women’s shelter.
  • Perform a task for your coworker that you know he/she hates doing.
  • Write a note to your boss or tell them in person how grateful you are for your job.
  • Leave a water bottle, a snack, and a note in the mailbox for your mail carrier.
  • Put a basket of snack food and bottled water on the porch with a sign that says, UPS, FED EX, USPS–THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. PLEASE ENJOY A SNACK.
  • Go through your kitchen cupboards and pull out dishes, bowls, utensils you don’t use and donate them.
  • Buy someone a Frosty. You never know what it might mean to them.

Live Generously

Whether you’re dreading the holidays and struggling to find the Christmas spirit or you’re full of excitement and bubbling over, commit each day to live generously.

This is the Christmas spirit.

“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35

How have you lived generously or been blessed by someone else living generously? Share your thoughts in the comments to inspire someone else.

About Refresh Your Hope,

60 Devotions for Trusting God with All Your Heart

How can you hold on to hope in an uncertain world? Especially when experiencing disappointments, setbacks, and discouragement? In Refresh Your Hope, Lori Hatcher invites you to renew your confidence and courage by calling attention to the remarkably good news—you have a hope greater than you could ever imagine.
An unshakable hope.
In this uplifting, Scripture-driven 60-day devotional, Lori returns to our rock-solid foundation—God’s amazing promises and His faithful character. Each warm, story-based reading will help you grow closer to God as you reflect on His assurances, His generous nature, and His unwavering commitments. Strengthen your prayer life with thought-provoking prompts. Replace anxiety with joy, peace, and trust while encountering Bible truths about the ultimate Source of hope.

Available now on Amazon.com, Christianbook.com, and other fine retailers.

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