“Shoot for average and fail cheerfully.”

Not the advice I expected from Stanford School of Business lecturer Dan Klein. Apparently, his odd words also unsettled his high-achieving students. But over the course of the semester they—and I, vicariously—learned the wisdom in his advice.

I stumbled across Dan’s words in a podcast called “Think Fast, Talk Smart,” but his insight reminded me of principles from the Old Testament book of Zechariah. Written to the Israelites who’d returned from exile to rebuild God’s temple, the book records instructions and encouragement for Israel and its governor, Zerubbabel. As they faced the enormous task before them, He reminded them, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT).

Personally, I lean toward overachieving, not underachieving. To big accomplishments, not small. This mindset especially manifests itself at the start of every new year. I set big goals and lofty resolutions. And fail almost every time.

My failures made Dan Klein and Zechariah’s advice seem especially appealing as I approached January 1, 2023. This and the age-old adage that insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results. I knew something had to change.

Wise mentor Mary Hunt, in an article called “Foolproof Secrets to Guarantee You’ll Keep Your New Year’s Resolution,” suggests four steps: 

Read the rest of this post on God Hears Her blog by clicking here: “Why Not Shoot for Average?”

Tired of being disappointed by prayer?

If you live within driving distance of Columbia, SC, this workshop is for you:

Praying with Power will answer the questions, “Does prayer work? Is there a secret to effective prayer? How can I grow my relationship with God and experience more power in my prayers?”

Saturday, February 3, 2024

9 am – 3 pm

Kittiwake Baptist Church

420 Kittiwake Dr., West Columbia, SC

The workshop is free and includes lunch, childcare, and a personalized prayer journal to help you draw closer to God in prayer this year.

Registration is required by January 20, and can be made by calling (803)345-7482 or emailing donna.jeff.dj@gmail.com.

Click on the box for more details.
A Word for Your Day, 66 Devotions to Refresh Your Mind