You’ve heard the whispers . . .

You’ve read the excerpts . . .

You’ve watched the countdown . . .

Some of you have even prayed for a safe delivery . . .

While I’d love to be announcing the arrival of a new grandbaby, that’s out of my control.

The next best announcement I could make would be to announce the arrival of my new BOOK BABY.

Ushered into the world at 5 a.m. Amazon time, A Word for Your Day, 66 Devotions to Refresh Your Mind weighed in at a diminutive 9.6 ounces. At nine inches long, it stands spine to spine with its Refresh siblings.

But don’t let its premie stats fool you. This full-term, 240-page devotional burgeons with high-impact stories that will make you laugh, cry, and worship. One special word at a time, one from each book of the Bible, will invite you to learn more about God and His Word, comfort and strengthen your faith, and warm and cheer your heart. And when you’re not expecting it, I’ve snuck in a chuckle here and there, because life gets way too serious, and we’ve just gotta laugh.

I’d love for you, my most faithful readers, to have one of the earliest copies of A Word for Your Day.

I hope you’ll place your order today—one for you, and one for that special friend who needs gentle, heart-warming spiritual encouragement.

Click on the box below (the one with the question mark in it) to watch a short video of the new arrival.

And please pray. Ask God with me to send this newborn book far and wide and connect it with everyone He knows needs a fresh breath of spiritual refreshment.

Click the Box to See a Video Preview of A Word for Your Day

A Word for Your Day: 66 Devotions to Refresh Your Mind is available from:

Our Daily Bread Publishing
