Greetings, friends,
I’m setting aside my devotional post this week to share a quick ministry update. My goal on the Refresh blog is to encourage you, but as it usually happens in God’s economy, you wind up encouraging me. Many of you pray for me, share your comments, and send me kind notes. I feel like we’re family. I hope you feel this way, too.
Consider this a newsy letter from your sister in Christ, Lori.
Book(s) Update

Many of you have written to ask how the book’s coming along. Technically, it should be, “How are the bookS coming along?” Refresh Your Prayers, Uncommon Devotions to Restore Power and Praise is in the home stretch! It’s been through a zillion levels of editing and will soon be ready to head to the printer.
Anticipated arrival date? March 1, my sweet Daddy’s 86th birthday. This is serendipitous, because Dad taught me to love books by buying me a new Little Golden Book every week at the grocery store and reading it every night until I had it memorized. What a sweet birthday gift Refresh Your Prayers will be. By the way, it’s available for preorder now on Amazon.
I’m currently writing the third book in the Refresh series, Refresh Your Hope, 60 Unshakeable Reasons Not to Lose Heart. Please pray for me as I near the December 28 deadline. I have a few more devotions to write, then LOTS of editing to do. This is my favorite book so far—filled to overflowing with reasons to trust God and not be afraid.
Speaking Update

I had so much fun sharing Uncommon Hope, 4 Unshakeable Reasons Not to Lose Heart with the lovely women of Mt. Hebron UMC on September 11. More than 100 women attended this event and left encouraged and inspired. What a treat it was to gather, worship, and dig deeply into God’s Word for timeless encouragement. If you’re planning a women’s ministry gathering for spring or summer 2022, let’s talk. I’d love to share a message of hope and laughter with you.
Conference Update
I was honored to lead the Speakers Track at Florida Christian Writers Conference in Leesburg, Florida. I spent four days training twenty-two conferees how to write, deliver, and share God-centered, powerful messages. I’m so proud of my students. They’re passionate, committed, and gifted. God’s going to do something through this group, I’m sure.

Next spring I’ll teach at the Asheville Christian Writers Conference at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove, the Carolina Christian Writers Conference in Spartanburg, SC, and the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference at Ridgecrest. If you’ve ever felt God nudging you to write for him, I’d love for you to join me at any one of these marvelous conferences.
Website Update
A lovely photographer friend, Heather Iseminger, waved her magic camera and gifted me with new headshots for my website. I’d love it if you’d hop over and check out the new look ( I’ve filled it with wonderful resources. Some readers use my blog posts when they’re asked to share a devotion or a Sunday School lesson. Others have forwarded them to friends and family as a way to share their faith. Sadly, when I redesigned the website, I lost subscribers in the transition. Would you help me reach new readers by sharing your favorite post with a friend or on social media? I’d be SO GRATEFUL.

Personal Update
Almost all my family had birthdays in the past few weeks. The grands turned 2, 4, 6, and 8. Their momma turned 29, and my hubby David turned 59. My parents are doing well and still living on their own about 30 minutes away from us. I’m their official chauffer, shopper, and activities director. We have so much fun. Mom beat us at Yahtzee last week, and Dad skunked David and me at Uno. They’re two sharp cookies.
What’s Coming Up
In the next few weeks, I’ll share special holiday posts to help usher in the best celebration of all – Jesus’s birthday!
Thank you so much for your faithful fellowship and friendship. I love walking the faith walk with you.
Continuing to pray you through dear friend. God’s blessings.
Many thanks, friend! God’s blessings to you and Mrs. Diane 🙂