We’ve celebrated seventeen Christmases without my beloved Granny. Five without my mother-in-law. Ten without my sister and David’s brother and sister. We feel the ache, mourn the loss, and wish with all our hearts they were still with us.
Christmas is here again, bringing with it a slew of family gatherings. Unless you’ve been unusually fortunate, you’ll have an empty place or two at your dining room table. It’s unrealistic to think you won’t miss your loved ones, but holidays are for celebrating, not for grieving.
As you prepare for Christmas without your precious loved one, here are a few ways to honor them:
Do something your loved one would approve of.
My grandmother loved to dig in the dirt and make things grow. Wherever she lived, she always planted dianthus. I remember visiting her shortly after she moved to an independent living facility. She no longer had a place to garden, but as I walked into her new building, I saw evidence of her green thumb. She’d tucked a tiny patch of dianthus into a square of dirt near her doorway. To honor her, one year I planted dianthus in my flowerbed. Every time it bloomed, it reminded me of her.
One friend and his family are facing their first Christmas without their father/grandfather. Knowing that his dad loved Italy, my friend is taking his family on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Rome in his honor.
Your memorial activity will probably be less extravagant, but it can be equally memorable. One friend honors her daughter’s memory every season by watching her favorite Christmas movie, the Patrick Stewart version of A Christmas Carol. Another friend and her family meet at Waffle House at midnight on Christmas Eve to continue a long-standing tradition their late father began.
Include your loved one’s favorite food in your holiday meal.
My mother-in-law and I shared a love for lemon crème pie. She’d often tell the story of how she and a friend of hers liked it so much that they’d buy a pie, draw a line down the middle, and eat every bit of it. My mother-in-law liked her pies extra tart, and if I made the recipe just right, she’d nod her approval. “Mmm,” she’d say, “that’ll lock yer jaws.”
Lemon crème pie was one of the last foods I fed her before she passed away. Confined to a hospital bed and pumped full of medicine, she hadn’t eaten much in days. We wracked our brains trying to think of foods that might stimulate her appetite. My brother-in-law brought her a hot dog from her favorite greasy spoon. I brought a bowl of juicy watermelon. The day I brought her a slice of lemon crème pie, however, was a day to remember.
“Good?” I asked as I spooned bites into her eager mouth.
“Mmm,” she said, nodding her approval. “That’ll lock yer jaws.”
I ate a piece of lemon crème pie at Thanksgiving in her honor. It wasn’t quite tart enough, but I think she’d still approve.
Like eating my mother-in-law’s lemon pie, “sharing” our loved one’s favorite foods helps us feel connected with them. This Christmas we’ll eat sweet potato casserole to honor my sister Cindy and deep-fried turkey in my brother-in-law Luther’s name. And with every bite of lemon pie, I’ll feel my mother-in-law’s smile.
Donate to an organization, charity, or cause your loved one felt passionate about.
If your mother had a soft spot for children, adopt a Compassion International child in her name. If your father loved baseball, donate a scholarship to a local league to help a needy child play ball next spring. If your aunt had a soft spot for animals, give to a nearby no-kill shelter.
Remember, too, that donations of time are infinitely valuable and honoring to a departed loved one. One friend I know helps serve Christmas dinner at a homeless shelter in memory of her father. Another fills a two-hour slot as a Salvation Army bell-ringer. (For information on volunteering, visit http://www.salvationarmy.org/ ) Yet another honors her mother, a former school librarian, by reading to children in an underprivileged school in her city.
Talk about your loved one, shed a few tears, but don’t let grief steal the joy from your family celebration.
Remember that the greatest way we can honor a loved one who has passed away is to live every day in thanksgiving and JOY. Reflect on the happy memories. Talk about the fun times and shared experiences. Thank God for the time you had instead of mourning the time you’ve lost.
Holidays can be hard, but with God’s grace and a little intentionality, we can celebrate in ways that honor and include our loved ones, even when they’re no longer with us. If you’re facing the holidays without someone special, ask the Lord to wrap you in his love and help you feel the joy of his presence. Take comfort in the promise of Psalm 30:5:
“Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”
Psalm 30:5
Now it’s your turn. How do you pay tribute to a lost loved one during the holidays? What special traditions bring comfort to your celebration?
Leave a comment below and share your ideas.
This post first appeared on Crosswalk.com.
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Lori, thank you for sharing joyful ways to mourn, as well as the wise advice to celebrate the Lord’s birth. I like to use dishes that were my mother’s and grandmother’s for our Christmas dinner. We also display some of my mom’s Christmas decorations. My dad, who was an educator, loved children, so we once donated a special book to an elementary school library. Honoring their memory is a positive way to mourn. Thank you the this tender and uplifting post.
I’ve put up a memory tree for at least 10 years if not longer. It is a smaller tree, around 4 feet tall, that I put up on a pedestal of sorts, and it is covered with photo ornaments as well as mementos from vacations. My father passed in 1996, and his face is on the tree. I had to say goodbye to a foster toddler I’d raised for 2+ years in 2001, and his face is on the tree as well. Mom passed this year, and her face was already on the tree, since living family members are also featured on the memory tree. I’ve been wearing her Christmas jewelry, but I think I’ll hang some of it on the tree too. My kids are featured as children and also as adults on the tree. Years ago my daughter and I recorded a video of us as we decorated the memory tree. I think that video can be found on my Christmas blog!
Such a needed post Ms. Lori, and especially needed this week. The natural disasters occurring here and abroad, the reality of my first CHRISTmas since I was 14 years old without my adoptive parents, and a “crazy busy” life has left me less than filled with the spirit of CHRISTmas. Your sweet post reminds me that grieving is a part of life and I should embrace it rather than try to hide from it. Thank you for the kind blessing my friend. I think I need to add a cherry pie to my last-minute shopping list. It was my dad’s favorite. God’s blessings, and Merry CHRISTmas ma’am.
I’ve got small frame ornaments (on pink ribbons) holding photos of our grandmothers. And one special ornament made from Grandma Leora’s mustard seed pendant. https://joynealkidney.com/2020/12/05/the-mustard-seed/