The headline read, “Ten Ways to Draw Closer to God this Year.” As I looked down the long list, I sighed. I was a young mom overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for two young children, homeschooling, serving in church, and working outside the home part time. I didn’t need ten more things to do. 

Why doesn’t anyone write an article giving ONE way to draw close to God this year? I wondered. I might actually be able to do that. 

Twenty years later, this is that article. ONE WAY TO DRAW CLOSER TO GOD THIS YEAR. 

And here’s the one way: read your Bible.

If you’re super busy and need to move on, you can stop reading now. You know what to do. If you’d like to hear my story (and read several reasons why I believe this is the best way to draw closer to God), read on. 

I’ve been a Christian for almost forty years. I’ve done Bible studies, joined women’s groups, attended retreats and conferences, and practiced all the spiritual disciplines, but only reading the Bible has revolutionized my life and drawn me closer to God. 

I’m not saying Bible studies, women’s retreats, and all the other things I just mentioned aren’t helpful. They are, and I recommend them all. But nothing has transformed my life and drawn me closer to God than reading His Word. 

Fits and Starts 

For years I treated the Bible like my favorite piece of jewelry. I’d pick it up and put it down based on the occasion. During times of trial, I wore it close to my heart. During times of busyness or prosperity, I left it on the dresser.

Every December when our pastor or Sunday school teacher encouraged us to commit to read the Bible in the new year, I’d sign on the pledge card and make a good start. 

Many years I sailed all the way through Genesis and Exodus only to shipwreck on the rocks of Leviticus. My relationship with and commitment to reading God’s Word was as fickle as a toddler at a buffet. Some days I’d feast, and other days I’d snack. Some days (months), I’d fast completely. 

My spiritual life mirrored my commitment level. In some seasons, I grew and flourished. Other times I struggled, languished, and fainted. 

Many times my motivation for reading was off base. I used it to bargain for God’s favor. “Lord, I read my Bible every day this week. Haven’t I earned a blessing?” I used it as a lucky rabbit’s foot. “Well, nothing bad can happen to me today because I checked off the Bible Reading box on my Good Christian scorecard.”

Sometimes I used it to prop up my weak self-esteem and sense of worth. “I’m super spiritual. I read my Bible every day.” 

Then one day, I heard a Bible study leader tell her story. As a fairly new believer, she had joined the Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) staff as a college leader. One day a speaker challenged the Cru leaders to commit to read the Bible for five minutes a day. Just five minutes. Every day. “See if it doesn’t change your life,” he said. 
She and the other students took the challenge. Some days she’d read more, but she never read less. She read her Bible every day for at least five minutes. The habit drew her closer to God and transformed her life. 

Twenty years later, she said, the group of college students, now middle-aged adults, held a reunion. Every person who had kept the commitment to read their Bibles for at least five minutes a day were still passionately walking with the Lord. Many were serving Him in full time ministry. 
When I heard her story, my heart stirred. I want the kind of faith that lasts, I thought. I want to be like Jesus. I’m tired of wobbling around like a toddler, spending more time picking myself up off the ground than moving forward. I want to know God.

So I committed to read my Bible every day. 

Much later, I discovered Psalm 19:7-13, which gives fourteen reasons to feast on God’s Word:

God’s Word: 

  • Converts the soul (v. 7). 
  • Makes the simple wise (v. 7). 
  • Brings joy to our hearts (v. 8). 
  • Enlightens our eyes (v. 8).
  • Is pure and enduring (v. 9). 
  • Can be trusted (v. 9). 
  • Is more valuable than fine gold (v. 10). 
  • Adds sweetness to our lives (v. 10). 
  • Warns us of danger (v. 11). 
  • Bestows a special reward (v. 11). 
  • Reveals error in our lives (v. 12). 
  • Keeps us from presumption (v. 12). 
  • Guards us from becoming enslaved by sin (v. 13). 
  • Protects us from great transgressions (v. 13). 

Don’t you want these blessings?
 I do. 

If you’re sick of half-hearted Christianity and up-again-down-again spiritual growth, commit to read the Bible every day. Not to check off a box, acquire knowledge, or impress those around you. Read it to learn more about God. 

Ask the question, “God, what will you show me about yourself today?” and then look for His answer, You will draw closer to God, and your life will be transformed. 

I know. It happened to me.

A Christian cannot look sincerely into the Word of God—the whole word of God—and remain the same. And you cannot know God without knowing His Word.

But once you do, oh my. You’ll never look back.

On January 1, 2022, I will commit again to read my Bible through this year. Although I’ve done this for more than a decade, God has already show me exciting new insights and glimpses of His heart, His love, and His character on these familiar pages. 

Do you want to draw closer to God this year? Do you want to know Him intimately and love Him deeply? Do you want to experience His power in your life?

Read your Bible. 

 Now it’s your turn. Do you read the Bible daily? What benefits have you received? If you don’t have a regular habit, what’s stopping you? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. 
It’s my pleasure to share Jean Wilund’s excellent article, “It Takes a Whole Bible to Make a Whole Christian.” 

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