What’s frightening you today? A marital challenge? A health crisis? Financial strain? A prodigal loved one? The list of fear-causing possibilities is endless.
Today in Luke 8 I read about a group of people who encountered something they’d never seen before—and it scared the daylights out of them. They witnessed a local prophet going toe to toe with a man overflowing with demons–plural. So many demons that when Jesus asked their name, their spokesman replied, “Legion” (v. 30).
In Jesus’ day, a Roman legion of soldiers consisted of about 6,000 men. The fact that the demon invoked this name gives us pretty clear evidence that not thousands of demons possessed this man.
When Jesus confronted them, the demons acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God who possessed all power and authority over them. They begged Him not to torment them. And they offered Him an alternative solution to sending them back to Hell from whence they had come. “Send us into the herd of pigs.”

Have you ever been in the middle of a herd of pigs?
Siri tells me the average weight of a domestic pig is about 440 pounds. That’s a big hunk of bacon.
Multiply 440 by, say, fifty. Now imagine yourself surrounded by 22,000 pounds of snorting, stinky, filthy ham hocks. Are you scared yet? Ready to swear off pork forever? Picturing yourself trampled to death by bacon on legs?
But wait. The terror has just begun.
For whatever reason (probably to show His glory and demonstrate that He had power over everything, including demons and pigs), Jesus agreed to the demon legion’s request. He commanded them to leave the man.
Out they went—straight into the herd of pigs.
Now not only do we have 22,000 pounds of pig flesh—fifty or more 400+ pound animals—we have 22,000 pounds of DEMON POSSESSED pig flesh.
The Gadarenes had never heard such squealing, screaming, stomping, biting, and stampeding as they witnessed that day. Out-of-their-mind pigs were everywhere. In torment because of the legion of demons that thrashed about under their skins.
Crazed and enraged, the pigs charged down the steep embankment straight into the lake, churning up the water until they drowned.
I’m not surprised the multitude of people were “seized with great fear” (v. 37). I am surprised they didn’t recognize Jesus as God and bow at his feet.
Fear is understandable, but fear sometimes makes people do foolish things.
The Gadarene people did the most foolish thing of all. Instead of acknowledging Jesus’ power, they begged Him to depart from them.
Instead of placing their faith in Him and trusting His sovereignty over every detail of the situation, they turned away.
Instead of bowing before Him in humble submission, they told Him to go.
And so He did.
Like the Gadarenes, we have to choose between fear and faith every day.
Obsess over what could kill us or rest in Him who saves us?
Turn our backs on Jesus and act as though it’s all up to us or bring our needs to Him and believe that He will meet them?
Fear what can kill the body or trust Him who saves our souls?
Is there a chance we might get sick, lose our job, or face a marital challenge? Absolutely.
Just like there was a chance a Gadarene could have been trampled by a demon-possessed pig.

But if we’re believers in Jesus, what matters more than the events of our life is how we spend the life we’ve been given.
Are we looking for frightened people with whom to share “the reason for the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15),” or are we missing situations pregnant with eternal possibilities because we’re frightened and self-focused?
Is Jesus in control, or isn’t He?
First John 4:18 tells us “perfect love casts out fear.” If you’re a believer resting in the perfect love of God, fear has no rightful place in your heart. We are men and women of faith.
If Jesus was here with us (and He is), this is what He would say:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
“When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior”
Isaiah 43:1-3
In sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as we all shall live, Jesus, our bridegroom promises never to leave us or forsake us. Because of this, we may boldly say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear!” (Hebrews 13:5-6).
Fear makes people do foolish things, but we are not foolish people.
We are faith-filled people.
Let’s live like it.
Now it’s your turn. What circumstance makes you afraid today? How are you fighting fear with faith? Leave a comment below and join the conversation.
Does Your Prayer Life Need Refreshing?

We know Bible reading and prayer are vital parts of our faith, but what happens when our prayer lives become stagnant and our quiet times grow stale? We need something more than just familiar verses and the command to pray. In Refresh Your Prayers, Uncommon Devotions to Unlock Power and Praise, Lori Hatcher shares relevant, five-minute devotions that spotlight unusual prayer verses in the Bible.
Each devotion ends with a Power Point (a spiritual truth to empower your faith) and a Praise Prompt (a short prayer designed to magnify God and make your faith soar). The Live It Out section challenges you to apply what you’ve learned right now for immediate change.
If you’re tired of your all-too-quiet quiet time, Refresh Your Prayers is the answer.
The UNcommon Book on Prayer – Unusual Devotions to Unlock Power and Praise
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I recently read Lori Hatcher’s book, Refresh Your Prayers. I could not put it down!! When reading books, I highlight the writings I want to remember. Then I go back and copy the highlight things into a journal. I believe I have almost as many highlights as Lori has words..!! I am now reading her other book, Refresh Your Faith…(can’t put that one down either!) I am anxiously awaiting 2023 when she is coming out with her new book, Refresh Your Hope. She has truly been blessed of God to be able to communicate Godly teachings in her books! Thank you, Lori!!!❤️
Oh, Shirley, you have blessed me with your kind words. I’m always so filled with joy when I hear from someone who has been refreshed through my simple words and God’s great Word. To Him be the glory!
To add to the “fear factor” of the scene you paint with your words Ms. Lori, I’ve often considered that if I ever wrote “thriller fiction”, it would include a scene where the body was placed in a hog pen to be disposed of. That’s an amazing fact about pigs, they’re carnivores and will consume a corpse in its entirety. I’ve long heard that courage is nothing more than facing your fear, you either control it or it controls you. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we don’t have to face fears in this life alone when we have Christ living in us?
Oh my, J.D., I think I’m grateful you’re not a suspense writer. I couldn’t read your books — too SCARY!!!! I’m sure there are many icky aspects of nature that would lend themselves to a thriller. Thank goodness, God’s peace overshadows all fear if we, as you said, surrender it to Him and allow His truth to control us.
Fear is our worst enemy and our minds are like a battlefield where all the struggles and fears starts and start to consume us. the only way to overcome it is by using God’s word, but sometimes it’s like being in a war zone. The only thing I struggle with in this story is why did Jesus listen to the demons request!! But then I was taken to the book of job the first chapter v6 where it say: when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord satan came along!!! And there was a conversation between satan and God!
Second question is it us who initiate fear whether it is fear of sickness deaths general worries etc…. and then it becomes reality??? Because in Job 3:25 it says: for the thing I greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded has happened to me. So there’s a battle between these two words: Fear v Faith that sometimes I personally I’m not able to resolve. Oh but for the grace of God.
Such good questions, Lucy. I believe fear is a natural emotion in response to a threat. Feeling scared isn’t a threat as long as that feeling causes us to run to our heavenly Father who can guard and keep our hearts. Thankfully, our lives are in God’s hands, subject to His plans to glorify himself in and through us. We need not fear that a fearful thought will cause something to happen that hasn’t passed through His fingers of love and sovereignty. We can trust that if He’s allowed it into our lives, He will use it for our good and His glory. As for Jesus listening to Satan’s request, He’d only do it if it would bring glory to Himself and demonstrate HIS supreme power over them. As C.S. Lewis said, “Even Satan is God’s Satan.” We know who has ultimate control. Thanks for reading and thinking and questioning. May your questions always rest in God and His Word.