Have you ever heard God speak? 

If you ask this question, you’ll get a variety of answers. 

“I hear God speak all the time.” 

“I’ve never heard God speak.” 

“Sometimes I think I hear God speak, but I’m not sure.” 

“God speaks to super Christians, but he’s too busy to speak to ordinary people.”  

One day, I was struggling. Unexpected circumstances had caught us off guard, and a thousand thoughts were whirling through my head. 

“Lord, I need a word from you,” I prayed. 

Every morning I read The One Year Bible, so I opened it to that day’s portion of Scripture in Second Samuel 22 . The final words of the chapter read, “(God) is the tower of salvation to his king, and shows mercy to his anointed, to David and his descendants forevermore.” 

I know this passage was originally written about Israel’s King David, but my husband’s name is also David. Through this ancient passage, God reminded me that because my husband loves Him, he would show mercy to David and our family.

How sweet and comforting that God directed me to such a specific passage with my husband’s name in it. 

On the way to church, I checked my email. My friend Heather, who had no idea what was going on in our lives, sent an encouraging message, which she ended with a Scripture reference, Romans 15:1-13. I looked up the verses, and verses 4, 12, and 13 stood out: 

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. . . . Isaiah says, “The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.” May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 

And when we reached church and settled into our Sunday school class, our teacher stood before the group and wrote four big letters on a dry erase board: H – O – P—E. 

Do you think God answered my prayer asking Him to speak to me?

This series of events is a classic example of a few of the ways God speaks to his children. 

1. One of the most common ways he speaks is through his Word. When I opened my Bible that morning, I heard a personal and powerful word from the Lord. 

2. God also speaks through his people. My friend who sent the email had no idea our family was struggling; she simply obeyed what God told her to do—send Lori an encouraging email and share this Scripture passage with her.

3. God also speaks through preaching and teaching.
 My Sunday school teacher presented material someone had written and published years ago, but God used it (and her) to remind me to have hope, even when circumstances say otherwise. 

I began this post by sharing several responses to the question, “Have you ever heard God speak?” My recent experience demonstrated three ways God has spoken to me. 

What if I hadn’t positioned myself to hear him?

I might have missed his voice. 

If I hadn’t read my Bible that morning, I wouldn’t have read the Scripture that used my husband’s name. If I hadn’t cultivated friendships with godly believers, I wouldn’t have received my friend’s encouraging email. If I hadn’t gone to church, I would have missed the HOPE-filled message from my Sunday school teacher. 

Our family experienced an unexpected challenge in that season, but we were not unprepared. Because we had built spiritual disciplines into our lives, we were positioned to be able to hear God when he spoke. The reassurance we received bolstered our faith, calmed our fears, and reminded us that he is fully in control. 

This, my friends, is what the Christian life is all about.

Have you ever heard God speak? How does he usually speak to you? Leave a comment below and join the conversation. 

Do You Live in the Columbia, SC area? Do You Love Tea, God’s Word, and Christian Fellowship?

Join Lori at Dunn’s Chapel, Saturday, May 11, at 10 am, (Mother’s Day weekend) for a Ladies Tea and Inspiration. Lori will share “5 Life-Changing Words Every Christian Should Know.” For Food, Faith, and Fellowship, invite a friend and RSVP by emailing DebbieWatford1@gmail.com. See you there!

A Word for Your Day — 66 Devotions to Refresh Your Mind

Lori Hatcher holding a copy of A Word for Your Day

Allow God’s Word to change your life, one word at a time! Lori Hatcher’s newest book, a 66-day devotional highlights one relevant, sometimes unexpected, word from each book of the Bible. Lori, the best-selling author of Refresh Your Faith and Refresh Your Prayers, shares simple—but never simplistic—truths. She continues to remind us that every part of Scripture is active, alive, and applicable. 

From beginning in Genesis to new in Revelation, ponder each significant word as you move through your day and allow God to transform your heart and mind.

Order A Word for Your Day from these fine retailers:

Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/34t5k7j9

Our Daily Bread Publishing: http://tinyurl.com/mwwhya9h

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