Why Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

Why Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

The acrid smell of chlorine stung my nose as I peered through the damp air. I couldn’t see the swimmers because of the warm tendrils of steam rising from the churning surface of the pool. All I could see were heads, arms, and an occasional foot rising above the...

Is Life Hard?  4 Steps to Help You Cope

Is Life Hard? 4 Steps to Help You Cope

Betrayed, persecuted, grieving, uncertain, confused, abused, afraid, and struggling. Can you identify with any of these words? Most of us can, especially these days.  Life is a struggle, and most days we feel the angst of living in a difficult world, with...

Three Simple Steps to Stay Positive When You Feel Negative

Three Simple Steps to Stay Positive When You Feel Negative

Some days I bounce out of bed. Other days I drag.  Some days my prayers soar to the heavens. Other days I struggle to ask in faith.  Some days I speak encouraging words that build others up and inspire their faith. Other days I speak fearful, worrisome words...

Do You Know Difference Between Christianity and Religion?

Do You Know Difference Between Christianity and Religion?

Few realize that Christianity is diametrically opposed to any other belief system.  Not only opposed, but completely opposite. Every belief system except Christianity requires people to do something to get to God – good works, penance, life-transformation, even...

How to Pray the Right Way

How to Pray the Right Way

“I’ve always struggled with prayer,” Katie said to me during a break in sessions. She had come from two states away to attend the “Praying with Power” conference I was leading. “I never know the right words to say. I feel awkward, I lose my train of thought, and I get...


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